Автограф наш – визитка детских душ,
Восторженных и чуточку наивных,
Талантливых, доверчивых к тому ж,
Отчаянных, задорных и невинных,
Горящих, словно солнце в небесах,
Раскрытых для добра и пониманья,
Азартных, с искрой Божией в сердцах,
Фантазией, надеждой на признанье.

Нюкало Л.,Scarlet Rue (переклад пісні «Червона рута»)

Will you tell me the truth:
Are you strong in bewitchment.
I can never be soothed
If you prove to be distant.
So perhaps in the woods
You've being looking for philter
Using rue and its roots
That can charm and bewilder

Don't look for flowers
Of the rue at the dawn-time:
You have captured my thoughts,
You can have no fear.
Your striking glamour
Makes me feel gentle tremor
Being as pure as the lake Synivir.

In my dreams every night
I feast eyes on your smile
I am dumb from delight,
That stands out a mile.
You have no need to bring
Any flower, my dear,
You are my sweetest dream,
That is surely clear. 

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